Shah Lab
Twitter: @YatrikShahLab
Recent News
-Andrew Schwartz obtained his Ph.D in August 2019 is currently a postdoctoral fellow and Novartis, Boston, MA.
-Samantha Devenport obtained her Ph.D in Nov 2019 is currently Technical Patent specialist at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP Boston MA.
Recent Publications
-Zou W, Shah YM. (2019). A PHD in immunosuppression: oxygen-sensing pathways regulate immunosuppressive Tregs. J Clin Invest. Jul19;130.
-Triner D, Shah YM. (2019). Hypoxic regulation of neutrophils in cacner. Int J Mol Sci. Aug 27;20(17).
-Devenport SN, Shah YM. (2019). Functions and implications of autophagy in colon cancer. Cells, In press.
-Das NK, Schwartz AJ, Barthel G, Inohara N, Liu Q, Sankar A, Hill D, Ma X, Lamberg O, Schnizlein MK, Arques JL, Spence JR, Nunez G, Patterson AD, Sun D, Young VB, Shah YM. Microbial metabolite signaling is required for systemic iron homeostasis. Cell Metab, In press.
-Cho CS, Kowalsky AH, Namkong S, Park SR, Wu S, Kim B, James A, Gu B, Semple IA, Tohamy MA, Solanki S, Cho US, Greenson JK, Shah YM, Kim M, Lee JH. Concurrent activation of growth factor and nutrient arms of mTORC1 induces oxidative liver injury. Cell Discov, In press.
Our laboratory studies changes in oxygen, metabolic waste products and nutrients from both systemic and cellular perspectives in the GI tract. Our interests lie in understanding how these factors coordinate proliferation and cell death during development, maintain functional tissues/organs, and how dysregulation culminate in disease. Our goal is to provide fundamental insights into how oxygen, metabolic waste products and nutrients are integrated into tissue and cellular metabolic homeostasis, and to understand precise mechanisms by which cellular dysregulation of these pathways impacts anemia, hemochromatosis, inflammation and cancer.